Body of external examiners and appointment of external examiners

The Ministry of Higher Education and Science's website contains a list of bodies of external examiners with information about which universities provide secretariat services to the bodies of external examiners. The list also contains contact information for the chairmen and vice-chairmen of the external examiners. Chapters 9 and 10 of the Examination Order set out the provisions relating to bodies of external examiners and external examiners.

Relevant ministerial orders on bodies of external examiners and external examiners

Appointment of bodies of external examiners and external examiners for the coming period 1 April 2018  - 31 March 2022

Bodies of external examiners are appointed for a four-year period. On 1 April 2018, a new four-year term of appointment begins.

In each new term of appointment, one-fourth of the body of external examiners is replaced, see section 58(3) of the Examination Order. Prospective external examiners are found through proposals from external examiners' chairmanships, bodies of external examiners and universities.

The chairman of the external examiners must also be appointed as an external examiner if he/she wishes to continue as an external examiner.

The chairman of the external examiners has to be in agreement on your application.

Appointment of external examiners for the remainder of the current appointment period 2018-2022

If you are to be appointed to a body of external examiners for the period 2018-2022, you have to fill out an appointment notice and have it approved by the chairman.

You can find contact information for the chairman of the external examiners on the Ministry of Higher Education and Science's website. If the information is not available, please contact the Faculty of Humanities:

Ad hoc appointment procedure

If there is a need to appoint a person for a single exam period in connection with one or more exams in case none of the members of the body of external examiners are able to perform the duty, he or she can be appointed ad hoc. An ad hoc appointment is not a permanent appointment, and the person in question should therefore not be added to the list of members of the body of external examiners.

The chairman of the external examiners approves the ad hoc appointment by signing and submitting a completed ad hoc appointment form to